Hello world,
I've been meaning to start this blog for some time now, and haven't done it. I'm not quite the blogger, but I'm hoping to become one. I thought it had to be eloquent and masterful writing...then I started reading some other peoples blogs, and was like, "hey, I can do this." So here I am at 1:30 am ready to speak upon a subject that is very dear to me.
So what is a Baby in the Raw. Well when I first came up with this concept, my son was almost two years old. He was a complete raw foodist (as much as a baby can be). What I mean is that he only fed on Breast Milk (which is raw) and raw fruits (mostly) some vegetables, and some nuts and raw grains. He was intelligent and plump, and he still is. I wanted to write about it, because when I search on line for feeding babies on a raw diet, I couldn't find ANYTHING! ok well I exaggerate, I could only find one short video clip that showed a man feeding a baby some raw sea plankton or something. I thought wow, that's awesome, now if only I can get me some of that, but I never did, didn't quite think my baby would fill up on that, and it was probably really expensive. So I continued to feed him breast milk, mostly avocados, and raw oatmeal from time to time. I use to make him milk from Cashew, till I found out it was mucus forming, and moved him to hemp milk. But a Baby is the raw is not just a baby who eats raw food, its much more then that. All babies should be a baby in the raw. My baby is a baby in the raw.
A Baby In The Raw is a baby who is born at home, unassisted by any medical intervention or personnel, like my baby was. Just at home with his mommy and daddy and sister and brother. A Baby in the raw is one who is exclusively breastfed for at least 7 months or more, like my baby was. Only breast milk, no formula, no juice and not even any water (if he seemed a little dehydrated and I was too, I'd give him a little tiny bit of water.), He's also breast fed for at least two years, like my baby was. A baby is the raw is a baby who sleeps in the bed with his parents, and not in a crib, which alludes to a prison cell. A baby in the raw wears cloth diapers (mine only did sometimes), and is carried in a sling and not pushed in a stroller, so he can learn closeness and language skills from his mama, and he's a baby who does not receive and Any immunization shots, just like my babies. And when he gets old enough for school, this Baby in the Raw is home schooled, like my baby will be. As these babies get older they will become children in the raw, Raised, naturally, healthy, loving, closely, and with strong moral fiber, but mostly, naturally, as close to God as God made him.
Its a very difficult path in this society, raising raw children, but it can be done. A network and a good support system is important, but I will do my best through this blog to share with you, tips resources and ideas on how to raise a Baby in the Raw.
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